Jergón Duck
Anas Flavirostris Oxyptera

Hello! I´m the Jergon Duck. We´re the most common species of ducks across the country; such in places like lakes, lagoons, rivers, swamps, reservoirs, irrigation canals and coastal Waters. I’m an endemic bird from South America, that’s why you won’t be able to see me in other parts of the world.

My lenght is about 38 and 43 centimeters and I have a brown body, with brown and black transversal shapes. Just like my feet, I have a very flamboyant yellow and black beak, which helps me gather seeds, water plants and insect larvae. I like living with family groups or flocks, that’s why I don’t have any problems relating with other duck species.

¿Do you want to hear what's my song like?
